Communion is a sacrament in the church. It is a way in which we encounter the holiness of God in ordinary elements of bread and juice. At Bethel, we practice communion every Sunday as an open table. This means all are welcome to come forward, regardless of church membership, to receive the elements. We believe that the Eucharist is a means of grace. Therefore in the elements of bread and juice we receive the presence of Christ. As a church, we recite the story of God together and receive the elements.
Baptism is a sacrament. Historically baptism has been understood as initiation into the body of Christ. At Bethel, we practice both infant and adult believer baptism which represents the new covenant with God. Baptism can be done by sprinkling, pouring, or immersion. God’s grace extends to all of God’s creation prior to our ability to accept that grace. This is what we affirm in baptism, that God has indeed graced us with God’s presence prior to our own knowledge of God. We also offer catechism and confirmation classes for adolescents to confirm their baptisms or in preparation for their baptisms.